The page is where we'll use our global financial insight to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be. For support, inspiration and knowledge that helps you succeed at home and at work, you're in the right place.
If you'd like to post a message, we'd ask you to do so in the spirit in which the page was launched. Please be considerate to other fans, and make sure your use of the page follows our Terms and Conditions, which can be found in the 'notes' section of this page.
We'll never ask you to share any personal information on Facebook other than that which is needed to enter specific competitions. In the interest of security, please don't post your bank account details anywhere on any of our pages. we'll never post a link to Internet Banking Logon or ask for your user ID or password from within Facebook.
HSBC is not responsible for any information posted on those sites other than information we have posted ourselves. We do not endorse the social media sites themselves, their products or services, or any information posted on them by third parties or other users.
We, at HSBC Bank Egypt, reserve the right to remove any content that violates our terms and conditions. We are not legally responsible for any content that may be posted or uploaded by third parties.
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